Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar - mini-expansion 2

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Unlike other monuments, the points for constructing this are scored immediately (not at the end of the game). The number of points scored depends on when you build it:
First quarter of the game- 40 points.
Second quarter- 31 points.
Third quarter- 22 points.
Fourth quarter- 13 points.
As depicted on the tile, each Food Day is counted as the last day of its quarter. For example, if you build this monument on the first Food Day, you get 40 points.
If a Food Day occurs one day late (because a player used the time-speeding privilege of the Starting Player Space) it still counts as the last day of its quarter for the purposes of this monument.
If you take this as your Starting Wealth Tile, you get 6 corn and 4 wood, but you also move down one step on the brown temple.
In a 2- or 3-player game, this tile might be drawn when you are placing dummy workers. If so, this tile indicates that you must place one extra dummy worker (7 in a 3-player game, or 13 in a 2-player game).